On the hydrangeas

the weight of the morning sun

the evening sun


a moment to savor
eating ice cream by moonlight
in my jammies


Pan Haiku Review said...

The jammies haiku is soooo neat. I always thought "jammies" was British slang, so really nice to see it used here.

all my best,

The With Words International Online Haiku Competition 2010: weblink to competition page

diana l. said...

Thanks, Alan. I removed (and changed) the second haiku which really didn't belong with the first (writing too late at night to make good editing decisions!)

And "p.j.s" just didn't work!

Spiros Zafiris said...

..yea, i saw that you split them
up..the uniformity (there's much
uniformity in your haiku) and the
jammies makes it shine..>>sp

diana l. said...

Thank you so much, Spiros.